Premium Membership
per item
Become a Premium Listserv Member:
* Post up to 6 for-sale ads per year, without any required waiting time between your ads.
* No exclusivity rule – it’s OK to post your for-sale ad simultaneously on other listservs or Craigslist.
* No dollar limit on what you’re selling. So you can advertise a car or a piano or a valuable piece of art. Please note that the premium membership does not include any free ads for homes or other real estate for sale or for rent, nor does it cover business or professional services or products.
* You can use your 6 free ads for your friends or colleagues.
* You don’t need to put your location in your ad.
* Post up to 6 for-sale ads per year, without any required waiting time between your ads.
* No exclusivity rule – it’s OK to post your for-sale ad simultaneously on other listservs or Craigslist.
* No dollar limit on what you’re selling. So you can advertise a car or a piano or a valuable piece of art. Please note that the premium membership does not include any free ads for homes or other real estate for sale or for rent, nor does it cover business or professional services or products.
* You can use your 6 free ads for your friends or colleagues.
* You don’t need to put your location in your ad.